Your brain is trying to kill you every single days

Je ne sais pas pour vous. Mais assez souvent, il m’arrive de penser en anglais.

Je sais c’est chelou. Mais voilà, ça fait quand même bientôt 7 ans que je vis et travail au Japon.

Au boulot, 90% des mails que je reçois sont en anglais, et 9,99% en japonais. Les 0,01% restant c’est tout et n’importe quoi… français, chinois, hindi…

Du coup, je suis plus habitué à penser et écrire en anglais que dans n’importe quel autre langue.

C’est assez perturbant, je dois dire.

Surtout que à l’inverse, 70% de la communication oral se fait en japonais, contre 29% en anglais.

Bref, tous ça pour dire que ce matin, je m’apprêtais à sortir de chez moi, quand j’ai eu une illumination.

Le seul hic c’est que c’était en anglais. LOL

J’ai quand même sortie tous ce que j’avais dans la tête pour le partager avec vous.

En espérant que ça peux vous aider.
J’avais prévu de le traduire, mais après une journée de gestation. Je pense que c’est mieux de le partager brute.

Ça fait bosser l’anglais si vous ne le bossez pas souvent. Et surtout ça ne dénature pas mes pensées via la traduction.

Donc voilà à quoi j’ai pensé ce matin :

Your brain is trying to kill you, every single day

Your brain is trying to kill your dreams !

Think about it a moment.

Every time you have an idea.
Every time your have motivation,
Every time you want to do something.

What is really preventing you from doing it ?

Is it really fatigue ?
Is it really lack of time ?
Is it really lack of motivation ?
Is it really lack of knowledge ?

Is it fear ?

Maybe. Yes, maybe it’s all of that.
But why is that we fear so much ?

Why is that we don’t act despite of fear ?

It is because we are wired
– to avoid fear,
– to avoid pain,
– to avoid discomfort,
– to avoid failure,
– to avoid danger.

And this prevent us to do what we really need to do.

That’s why I’m saying that :

Your brain is literally trying to kill your dream.

So every time you want to make a step toward your dream. Your brain is making you feel that it’s not safe.

He’s telling you that :

You can’t do it.
You’re not strong enough.
You’re not smart enough.
You’re not going to succeed.
You’re going to FAIL and everybody will laugh at you.

And you know what ?

It’s all true…for everyone who succeed… at first.

But if you get past those feeling.
If you get through failure.
if you get through lack of knowledge.
if you get on the experience slope, then you’ll succeed.

The thing is that :
You have the CHOICE.

You have to choose between:

  1. leaving in comfort, for a 100 years. Not even trying anything dangerous, or that can harm you in any kind of way. And maybe you’ll find yourself in a little bird cage.

  2. Or you have the choice to go for the discomfort, the pain, the struggle, the failure, the hard work, the late night, the ridicule and someday succeed and achieving your Life Dreams.

It’s your choice.

A simple tiny choice that you’re making
every single day,
every single minutes,
every single second.

That’s why, you need to get faster than you never were.

Because everytime you have around 3 to 5 seconds, to choose your path.

Everytime you have an idea.
You have 5 seconds to act on it now.
To do something about it, and move forward, or push it back for later.

Why ?

Because after 5 seconds, your brain step’s in and your drag you back to your safety, no risky, full pleasure mind prison.
It’s too hard,
it’s too painful,
it’ll take time,
you can’t possibly do it.
Let’s kept doing what we were doing, it’s less dangerous.

Think about it a moment.

Often, when changes occurred in your life.
I mean uncommon changed, it happen on whimp.
It happen suddenly.
It was not something that break the rule of your brain. It broke what you thought impossible before.

And the key is speed. You have to be fast, to act fast, the faster you’ll take action, the faster you’ll get results. Even if you fail, the faster you fail, the faster you learn, the faster you learn the faster you’ll end up succeeding.

You have to decide and Act during those 5 seconds. If you can do it, if it can become a habit, you will change, your brain will adapt, and your whole life and future will change.

Don’t wait for the right moment, do it when you have the idea. Act on it ASAP !
Don’t procrastinate, take massive action and watch the result.

It’s time to stop dreaming.
And start to live your dream.

Peace & Action
(。•̀ᴗ-)و ✧


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Visajapon — le blog pour rester motivé et poursuivre ses rêves au Japon.

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